Hello everyone! I hope you're all having a good ol' week. Mines been pretty jam packed, so I've very sorry that this post is pretty late! Hopefully I can make up for it though. Right... I'm on it.
Anyone who knows me, knows that I have a love / hate relationship with graphic design. I did a degree in it, so I must love it on some level.. But I'm an illustrator at heart. My heart belongs to the pencil. But.. this doesn't mean that I can't love some damn good design right? Right! Well Claire Nicholson is a pretty ace designer. And an illustrative one at that. How could I go wrong? Plus she's also from Yorkshire like me, yay :) Claire is a very talented artist (I really want to say drawer.. Can I?) She also has a lot of technical talent. I notice a bit of a blue theme going on here as well. Her website is well worth a peek!
Anyone who knows me, knows that I have a love / hate relationship with graphic design. I did a degree in it, so I must love it on some level.. But I'm an illustrator at heart. My heart belongs to the pencil. But.. this doesn't mean that I can't love some damn good design right? Right! Well Claire Nicholson is a pretty ace designer. And an illustrative one at that. How could I go wrong? Plus she's also from Yorkshire like me, yay :) Claire is a very talented artist (I really want to say drawer.. Can I?) She also has a lot of technical talent. I notice a bit of a blue theme going on here as well. Her website is well worth a peek!
Onto the goods!

This is a design Claire created for the Don't Panic brief, "Resistance".
It went down a storm on Society6, you know!
It went down a storm on Society6, you know!

I love Claires Christmas range! Oh. I also like polar bears. Winner.
Claires website can be found here!
Claires website can be found here!
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